Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sunday Scribblings: research

Doing research is like working a puzzle. It's engaging at the start, it's fun in the middle, and it's satisfying in the end.

It's not to be confused with looking for things. Even though they seem the same on the surface, research and searching are not the same. The first is an inquiry and a journey that lead to finding out something you didn't know. The latter is a frustrating struggle to remember something you did know. Helpful hint: the key to inner (and outer) peace is to always put your keys in the same place. Always.

So, in the time I didn't spend looking for my keys, what did I research?

I'm curious sometimes about how things are made. Not just anything, but an unpatterned collection of things. Pencils, jacks, ribbon, glass marbles...but not memory cards, silverware or sheet protectors.

So, my eyebrows and the outer corners of my mouth went up when (thanks to google) I came across directions for making rubber bands. This is going to be more fun than making homemade marshmallows.

Now I need to go google pliatex mold rubber.

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